IJBA Journal Issues

Vol 2, Issue 1
January 2022

Factors Influencing Intention to Follow the Preventive COVID-19 Protocols Among Thai People
Siwasuda Jandawapee, Supaprawat Siripipatthanakul, Bordin Phayaphrom, Pongsakorn Limna

Abstract : The study uses the TPB model to identify the factors that influence Thai people’s intention to follow the preventive COVID-19 protocols. The research model had employed convenience sampling from 506 respondents in Thailand. The data were analysed using SPSS-Trial Version and the structural equation model (SEM). It reveals that attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioural control significantly influences Thai’s intention to follow the preventive COVID-19 protocols. Perceived behavioural control highest impacted Thai citizen intent to follow the preventive COVID-19 protocols, followed by attitude and subjective norm. This study may benefit healthcare providers to implement the appropriate strategies increasing the intention to follow the preventive COVID-19 protocols among Thai people. Moreover, the results could apply the TPB model to improve Thai perceptions about their behavioural intention, such as getting COVID-19 vaccination and wearing face masks.
Keywords: theory of planned behaviour (TPB), attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioural control, intention to follow, preventive COVID-19 protocols.

Jandawapee, S., Siripipatthanakul, S., Phayaphrom, B., & Limna, P. (2022). Factors Influencing Intention to Follow the Preventive COVID-19 Protocols Among Thai People. International Journal of Behavioral Analytics, 2(1), 1–15.

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List of references


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Limna, P., Siripipatthanakul, S., Phayaphrom, B., & Siripipattanakul, S. (2022). Factors Affecting Intention to Get COVID-19 Vaccination Among Thai People. International Journal of Behavioral Analytics, 2(1), 1–16. SSRN, 4009122.

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Modelling of Talent Management on Construction Companies’ Performance : A Model of Business Analytics in Bangkok
Chirapat Kaewnaknaew, Supaprawat Siripipatthanakul, Bordin Phayaprom, Pongsakorn Limna

Abstract : This study investigates a business analytics model of talent management to predict the performance of construction companies in Bangkok, Thailand. The online convenience sampling method collected data from 394 managers and employees of construction companies in Bangkok, Thailand, to confirm the business model analytics. The data were analysed using the structural equation model (SEM) and SPSS Version 27. The findings support the talent management model comprises talent attraction, talent development and talent retention and can predict construction companies’ performance with high explanation power in this sector. This study may benefit business owners and managers to improve business model analytics to predict organisational performance from the talent management model (talent attraction, talent development and talent retention). Moreover, the results could apply in any sector to improve organisational performance through this business analytics model.
Keywords: talent management, talent attraction, talent development, talent retention, construction companies’ performance

Kaewnaknaew, C., Siripipatthanakul, S., Phayaphrom, B., & Limna, P. (2022). Modelling of Talent Management on Construction Companies’ Performance : A Model of Business Analytics in Bangkok. International Journal of Behavioral Analytics, 2(1), 1–17.

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According to new research… (Kaewnaknaew et al., 2022).
In research from Kaewnaknaew et al. (2022) …

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Determinants of Employee Innovation : A Case of NGOs and CSOs in Mae Sot, Thai-Myanmar Border
Naw Si Dah, Supaprawat Siripipatthanaku, Bordin Phayaprom, Pongsakorn Limna

This study examines the relationship between the leadership, innovation climate, organisational support and employee innovation among NGOs and CSOs employees in Mae Sot, Thai-Myanmar border. A convenience sampling from 179 NGOs and CSOs employees was used for the quantitative approach. The collected data were analysed using the PLS-SEM program and SPSS Version 27. The results show a significant relationship between leadership, innovation climate, organisational support and employee innovation. Moreover, innovation is an effective mediator between leadership and employee innovation. Also, organisational support is a significant mediator between leadership and employee innovation. The strategic planners should increase leadership, organisational support, and innovation climate because these determinants enhance employee innovation among NGOs and CSOs.

Keywords: leadership, innovation climate, organisational support, employee innovation, NGOs
& CSOs

Si Dah, N., Siripipatthanakul, S., Phayaphrom, B., & Limna, P. (2022). Determinants of Employee Innovation : A Case of NGOs and CSOs in Mae Sot, Thai-Myanmar Border. International Journal of Behavioral Analytics, 2(1), 1–15.

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According to new research… (Si Dah et al., 2022).
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The Relationship Between Twenty-First-Century Learning Model (4Cs), Student Satisfaction and Student Performance-Effectiveness
Pongsakorn Limna, Supaprawat Siripipatthanakul, Bordin Phayaprom, Sutithep Siripipattanakul

Abstract : This study investigates the relationship between the twenty-first-century learning model (4Cs) and student performance-effectiveness through the mediating effect of student satisfaction. A stratified random sampling of 512 students in Thailand was used for the quantitative approach. The collected data were analysed using the PLS-SEM program and SPSS Version 27. The results reveal that student satisfaction is the significant mediator between the twenty-first-century learning model (communication, creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration) and student performance-effectiveness. It indicates that communication, critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity significantly influence student satisfaction. Moreover, communication has the most significant influence on student performance-effectively, followed by collaboration and creativity. Only collaboration learning does not considerably influence student performance-effectiveness. The educational leaders, program directors and teachers should pay attention to the twenty-first-century model (4Cs) to increase student satisfaction and performance-effectiveness.

Keywords: Twenty-First Century, 4Cs-Learning Skill Management, Student Satisfaction, Student
Performance, Effectiveness

Limna, P., Supaprawat, S., Phayaphrom, B., & Siripipattanakul, S. (2022). The Relationship Between Twenty-First-Century Learning Model (4Cs), Student Satisfaction and Student Performance-Effectiveness. International Journal of Behavioral Analytics, 2(1), 1–18.

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Factors Affecting Intention to Get COVID-19 Vaccination Among Thai People
Pongsakorn Limna, Supaprawat Siripipatthanakul, Bordin Phayaprom,Sutithep Siripipattanakul

Abstract : This study identifies factors affecting Thai people’s intention to get COVID-19 vaccination. The intention to get COVID-19 vaccination was explained by factors; fear and infectability of COVID-19, perceived behavioural control, and subjective norm. The mediator was the attitude. The research model was analyzed from a stratified random sampling of three-hundred and eighty-seven (387) respondents in Thailand. The collected data were analysed using the PLS-SEM program (ADANCO 2.2.1) and SPSS-version 27. The results reveal that most respondents intended to get vaccinated. Fear and perceived infectability of COVID-19, perceived behavioural control, subjective norm indirect effect on the intention to get COVID-19 vaccination through mediating effect of attitude. The recommendation is to increase perceptions through attitude because it is strongly associated with getting COVID-19 vaccination among Thai people. The contribution could benefit healthcare providers to implement Thai perceptions and increase their willingness to get COVID-19 vaccinated through these factors.

Keywords: Fear and Perceived Infectability, Perceived Behavioral Control, Subjective Norm, Attitude, Intention, COVID-19, Vaccination

Pongsakorn, L., Supaprawat, S., Bordin, P., & Sutithep, S. (2022). Factors Affecting Intention to Get COVID-19 Vaccination Among Thai People. International Journal of Behavioral Analytics, 2(1), 1–16.

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